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Personal Monthly Budget with Daily Tracking

It's a simple template for tracking budget by entering daily expenses in second tab. It then shows the actual spend against project budget in charts on last tab and detailed expenses against categories on first tab.

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latest release: 2024-03-21 21:27:45


It's a simple template for tracking budget by entering daily expenses in second tab. It then shows the actual spend against project budget in charts on last tab and detailed expenses against categories on first tab. I started on this a long time back using the MS Excel template and then added tabs for my own use.


Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes Updated  
1.0 Released after checking it to be working with latest version of LibreOffice 5.4.2 4.2 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY 2020-03-05 23:42:51 Download


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  • Wolfgang Hilscher Jan 4, 2024, 7:55 PM (12 months ago)

    ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    before I had to save my files 3 times in these formats
    cause of sending via Email to diff. collegs with diff. systems

    now I don't to think of it runs once in a click

    fantastic feature

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