Create a TDF Account

To post comments, reviews and publish your extensions you need to create a TDF Account in our Single Sign On system. Don't worry it's easy and quick.

  1.  Navigate to this page
  2. Click on Create new account
    Sign in to continue form, circle on Create new account link

    Click on Create new account link

  3. Fill the form with your data. Use a valid mail to receive a confirmation.
    Shows an empty form to create a new account

    Create new account form

  4. A confirmation email will be sent to your registered address
    Form that shows a message confirming account creation

    Confirmation email sent.

  5. Wait for the email to arrive, and click on the confirmation link inside
  6. You will redirected to the page with a confirmation for your new account
    Form that shows a message confirming account creation

    Message account created

  7. Navigate to
  8. Login with your credentials
  9. You will be redirected to the admin page.
    Shows the interface of admin page

    Admin page

  10. Now you can post comments and reviews, and also publish your own extensions.