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time planner from timeplates Time Planner

A Timeplates template for organizing your to-do list.

Business Spreadsheets Templates
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latest release: 2024-03-21 11:14:56


These spreadsheets are made for you to write down all the tasks that you wish to accomplish. You can also copy and paste items from the Monthly Planner and Quarterly Planner templates.


Once you have all the tasks listed, you can prioritize and sort them. You can assign a day of the week that it will be accomplished, and sort by the day of the week.


Tasks that you do every week (like Laundry) are on a separate worksheet.


This document is NOT designed to be printed out. If you do want to print it out, you will have to format it for printing, or copy and paste the items into the Daily Card templates.

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes Updated  
1.0 A Timeplate templates for organizing your to-do list. 6.0 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY This spreadsheet is made for you to write down all the tasks that you wish to accomplish. You can also copy and paste items from the Monthly Planner and Quarterly Planner templates.


Once you have all the tasks listed, you can prioritize and sort them. You can assign a day of the week that it will be accomplished, and sort by the day of the week.


Tasks that you do every week (like Laundry) are on a separate worksheet.


This document is NOT designed to be printed out. If you do want to print it out, you will have to format it for printing, or copy and paste the items into the Daily Card templates.
2020-03-05 23:49:20 Download

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