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Score Card, 3X5 Vertical

A Timeplates template for printing out a score card vertically on a 3X5 inch index card.

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latest release: 2024-03-01 00:37:47


This template is designed so that you can keep track of some numerical goals that you may have.


The unit tracker was made to keep track of my diet. My diet set every 50 calories was one unit, and allotted myself a certain number of units. As I ate, I was able to keep track of how many units I was consuming, and how many I had left.


The production tracker is designed to keep track of production goals you may have at work.


You can change the spreadsheet to record whatever numbers you wish to monitor. From daily expenses to your golf game, this template will help you know the score.


The power of these spreadsheets is that they are can be changed to whatever you prefer. You can change the fonts, colors, and the order of the entries.


A word of caution though about changes: The column width and the row height are set so that the cards will be the right size when they are printed. Changing the column width and/or row height could cause your printed cards to be an odd size.


When completed, your cards are best printed on 110 pound index paper.

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes Updated  
1.0 6.0 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY 2020-06-05 16:22:18 Download

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