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stylesreporter Styles Reporter

A Calc and Writer document styles report tool.

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Calc Extensions Writer
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latest release: 2024-03-17 08:12:44


StylesReporter is a tool that helps document designers maintaining their Calc and Writer projects styles.

StylesReporter was inspired by a former French extension for OpenOffice named acStyleInspect by Alain de La Chaume.


StylesReporter lists styles settings to a Calc document that can be archived for future reference.

StylesReporter analyzes either the current document (default) or any other document the user selects.

The styles list can be restrained using origin (stock/user-defined) and usage (in-use/unused) criteria. A RegEx filter is also available. The output is limited to the selected styles list.

StylesReporter can also suppress unused styles (user-defined only).


The interface is currently in English or French, according to the current LibreOffice language used. English is the fall-back UI language for other languages.



  • Under Writer, not all styles families are available (only Paragraph, Character, Page and List are available).
  • Not all styles settings are reported. I've arbitrarily limited the list of reported settings to the ones that seem most important to me (that's plenty, anyway ;).



The UI translation is made possible using po files. Thus, translating the UI to other languages is just the matter of adding a translated po file to the extension. Feel free to contact me for this purpose.

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes Updated  
Version 0.7.1 5.4 Linux, Windows GPL This version fixes:

display crash when two styles names only differ in their charcase,
crash when deleting a style under some circumstances.
2020-11-18 22:51:18 Download
Version 0.7.0 5.4 Linux, Windows GPL Corrigé : la suppression de styles dont le nom localisé correspond à autre nom interne de style n'était pas possible.

Amélioré : le dialogue de suppression de styles a été revu et rendu plus facile d'utilisation.
2020-10-30 06:36:10 Download
StylesReporter v.0.6.0 5.4 Linux, Windows GPL This is the first public version. 2020-06-22 15:06:14 Download

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  • Colin Howard Aug 21, 2021, 1:50 PM (3 years ago)

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    One of the three extensions I have never regretted installing. Good Work

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