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Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) vert forêt

A template with a frame on the First Page left for contact datas and job sought. It exists in two versions: green and blue.

Documents Templates Writer
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latest release: 2024-08-20 18:17:56


A template with a frame on the First Page left for contact datas and job sought. It exists in twa versions: green and blue. The (not necessary) level skils are just style and characters.

It can have more than one page and be easily customized. The font is DejaVu Sans and not critical.

Two versions: green (vert-forêt) and blue.

Explanations in French and in English.


Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes Updated  
V2 Some minor fixes. The template now follows the same sequence of styles than my other templates. 4.2 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY The template follows the same style sequences for identity, job sought, objectives, headings and the names of jobs held and training and diplomas.
It has two versions: green and blue, hence the .zip file.


Le modèle suit les mêmes séquences de style pour l'identité, l'emploi cherché, les objectifs, les intertitres et les les noms des emplois occupés et des formations et diplômes. Il est expliqué en français et en anglais .
On le trouvera en deux versions : vert et bleu, d'où le fichier en .zip.
2023-06-27 17:12:30 Download

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