utcp: Color Palette of the University of Tübingen
Color palette of the corporate design of the University of Tübingen
latest release: 2024-03-20 14:16:42
Color palette of the corporate design of the University of Tübingen
latest release: 2024-03-20 14:16:42
A tool to help managing LibreOffice personal color palettes.
ZD color palette
Install color palettes and define standard color palettes.
Tango color palette
A color palette using tango icon colors and less saturated variations of them. The less saturated versions can be used as background of dark font colors, for slides or to structure with the help of colors without drawing much attention.
Parabolic Colour Palette
Provides Parabolic HSV Colour Palettes, that emphasize on bright and pastel colours.
LMD Malva de Perkin (color palette)
This extension contains a color palette: it starts with the color black, 10 gray ranges and white. Below are 51 shades of mauve, violet, purple, etc.
LMD Color of the Year
Paleta de colores compuesta por negro, 10 escalas de gris y blanco, seguido de los colores del año desde el 2000 al 2023.
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Heiko Tietze Sep 6, 2022, 8:24 AM (2 years ago)
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The actual extension needs to be added under the current release.
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