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Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) bleu canard et givre

Two shades of blue. Photo, round levels. Easy to use and to customize. No table.

Templates Writer
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latest release: 2024-06-24 08:07:21



Font: Carlito

Two pages: Front page and Default page styles

Frame styles: Frame (frames with level markers) and « numéro de page »(custom).

Fields: Title (fill in the File Properties so that it is displayed in the following footers), date and numbering.


Colours: see in the style settings to modify them.

Photo: right click on the shape (photo), modify the line (« givre » border) and the filling (photo). The photo must be square preferably, attention with the framing.

Levels: these are diagrams, right click on them and Edit, you can change the colours (obviously) and, once you are in diagram editing mode, access the data table. Here we have two "notes" out of 10. They are in a protected frame which remains at the bottom of the first page.

The number of the following pages: in fact it is a frame in a circle ("pagination" form). Right click on it to change the fill colour.

The Title 2 style has three tabs configured, you can have the dates, for example, on the left or on the right.

These explanations are in French and in English in the template.


Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes  
Version V2 Minor fixes and style sequence 6.1 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY Download

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