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Magazine Template - Revista pt-BR

(english) Magazine template with tips to who is starting with diagramation and a simple guide of how to use this template (text in portuguese). -------------------------------- (português) Modelo para criação de revista, com dicas para quem está começa

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Drawings Templates
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latest release: 2024-03-21 17:14:16


english) Magazine template with tips to who is starting with diagramation and a simple guide of how to use this template (text in portuguese). There are 11 pages with: - Cover - Summary and Credits area - Text of "how to use this template", in portuguese - Area for full page ads (the black pages, on even pages).  The best programs are the paid ones, like Indesign, however if you wish a free software the LO Draw can be used. The only limitation is the text areas, that must be adjusted manually.  ------------------------------------------- (português) Modelo para criação de revista, com dicas para quem está começando a diagramar e um guia simples de como usar este documento. São 11 página contendo: - Capa - Sumário - Matéria explicativa de como utilizar este modelo - Espaço para anúncios de página inteira.  Confira o arquivo para mais detalhes.

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes Updated  
1.0 A beautiful and simple template for LO Draw. The text adjustment is manual, for very long texts and multiple articles may be a hard work to do. 4.4 Magazine template with tips to those who are starting with diagramation and a simple guide of how to use this template (text in portuguese). There are 11 pages with: - Cover - Summary and Credits area - Text of "how to use this template", in portuguese - Area for full page ads (the black pages, on even pages). The best programs are the paid ones, like Indesign, however if you wish a free software the LO Draw can be used. The only limitation is the text areas, that must be adjusted manually.

Modelo para criação de revista, com dicas para quem está começando a diagramar e um guia simples de como usar este documento. São 11 página contendo: - Capa - Sumário - Matéria explicativa de como utilizar este modelo - Espaço para anúncios de página inteira. Confira o arquivo para mais detalhes.
2020-03-05 23:48:54 Download


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  • DENER LUIZ DA SILVA Jul 6, 2020, 3:43 PM (4 years ago)

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Excellent!! Very useful template! It's easy to use and understand the typographical tips. Thanks a lot for the real experience of generosity. I will begin to make my magazine immediately.

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