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1600px Flag of Sweden.svg Swedish Hyphenation

Swedish hyphenation

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latest release: 2024-03-20 07:32:26


This extension adds support for Swedish hyphenation patterns. It's a complete rewrite of the old patterns. If you find a word that is wrongfully hyphenated then please send me a note. Know that the words are mainly hyphenated using "enkonsonantsprincipen" and not "ordledsprincipen" as SAOL is using.

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes  
1.11 Fixat avstavning av många sammansatta ord. 3.3 MPL Fokus för den här versionen har varit att utöka antalet sammansatta ord som avstavas korrekt.

Hittar ni ord som avstavas felaktigt så tar jag gärna emot förbättringsförslag, så försöker jag att se till att de kommer med i nästa version.

Jag vill passa på att tacka Lennart Stagling som uppmärksammat mängder med felstavade ord.
1.1 Swedish hyphenation (2009-Mar-23) 3.3 CC-BY Download
1.10 A rework of the patterns to account for a lot of compound words. 3.3 LGPL A rework of the patterns to account for a lot of compound words. Please let me know if you find any errors or inconsistencies, or if you just want to get involved. I'll try to make the upcoming releases more frequent. Download


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