malva de pekin color palette LMD Malva de Perkin (color palette)

This extension contains a color palette: it starts with the color black, 10 gray ranges and white. Below are 51 shades of mauve, violet, purple, etc.

Color Palette
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latest release: 2024-03-20 14:09:58


The color palette contains 57 different shades of Malva (+ white, black and 10 grays).


Release List

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes   1.1.4 Se corrige error que causaba que actualizara otras paletas de colores independientes de esta de mi autoría. 5.3 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY

When trying to install and have installed another palette of my own, I offered to update it instead of installing it as a separate palette.


Download 1.1.3 ► Se corrigen los valores hexadecimales para los colores Pourpre y Violin que mostraban miniatura y aplicaban un negro puro.
► Se corrige el nombre de Pekin a Perkin, por error de tipeo.
5.3 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY
  • Several errors corrected.
  • Licence changed.

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This extension contains a color palette: it starts with the color black, 10 gray ranges and white. Below are 51 shades of mauve, violet, purple, etc.



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