Interpolation for Calc
This Add-in contain functions to solve interpolations and extrapolation tasks.
latest release: 2024-03-21 10:58:58
The objective of this add-in is to create easy-call functions to interpolate and extrapolate.
Developed by: Manuel Astros ( July 2018
All functions were developed to behave in the same way that the interpolation add-in created by Jose Ivan Martinez Garcia for Excel.
It will make possible a kind of interoperability among LibreOffice-Calc, Google-sheet in interpolation matter.
The Help for the usage of this Interpolation Add-in can be found published in
Packaged Functions included in this add-in until now: |
interpo(x, XRange, YRange) Linear interpolation with one parameter and two source ranges |
interpo2(x, y, Range) Linear interpolation with two parameters and a table source |
cercha(x, Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Spline interpolation with one parameter and a table source range |
cerchapi(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the initial slope (1st derivative) at the first point of first spline |
cerchapf(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the final slope at the last point of the last spline |
cerchaci(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the initial curvature (2nd derivative) at the first point of the first spline |
cerchacf(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the final curvature (2nd derivative) at the last point of the last spline |
cerchacf(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the final curvature (2nd derivative) at the last point of the last spline |
cerchara(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the curvature radius of the segments in the given points |
cercharaxy(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the centers of curvature coordinates of the segment, in the given point |
cerchap(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the slopes (1st derivative) at the given (well-known) points |
cerchac(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the polynomial (spline) coefficient |
cerchacoef(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determine the polynomial (spline) coefficient respect to the origin of coordinates |
cercharea(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the area under splines until the Xs axis |
cerchamx(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the static moment under splines area respect the Xs axis |
cerchamy(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the static moment under splines area respect the Ys axis |
cercham2x(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the second static inertial moment under splines area respect the Xs axis |
cercham2y(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the second static inertial moment under splines area respect the Ys axis. |
cerchap2(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the inertial product under the spline with respect to the Xs and Ys axes. |
cerchaxg(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the longitudinal coordinate of the gravity center of the area formed under the spline. |
cerchayg(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determine the vertical coordinate of the gravity center of the area formed under the spline. |
Other functions will be added time by time, until all functions implemented in the original excel add-in are available for LibreofficeCalc.
Coming soon: video tutorial
Release | Description | Compatibility | Operating Systems | License | Release notes | Updated | |
0.4 / New functions were added | 5.0 | Linux, Windows | CC-BY | This release adds new functionalities to the add-in listed as follow: Determination of the curvature radius of the segments in the given points: cerchara(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination the centers of curvature coordinates of the segment, in the given points: cercharaxy(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination of the slopes (1st derivative) at the given (well-known) points: cerchap(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination of the polynomial (spline) coefficient: cerchac(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination the polynomial (spline) coefficient respect to the origin of coordinates: cerchacoef(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination of the area under splines until the Xs axis: cercharea(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determination of the static moment under splines area respect the Xs axis: cerchamx(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determination of the static moment under splines area respect the Ys axis: cerchamy(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determination of the second static inertial moment under splines area respect the Xs axis: cercham2x(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determination of the second static inertial moment under splines area respect the Ys axis: cercham2y(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determination of the inertial product under the spline with respect to the Xs and Ys axes: cerchap2(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determination of the longitudinal coordinate of the gravity center of the area formed under the spline: cerchaxg(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) Determination of the vertical coordinate of the gravity center of the area formed under the spline: cerchayg(Range, keyArg, v1, v2, w1, w2) |
2020-09-27 02:20:01 | Download | |
0.2 | Cubic interpolation function was added cercha(x, Range, keyArg, V1, V2) | 5.0 | Linux, Windows | CC-BY | The idea of this release is adding new functionalities to the add-in, listed as follow: The license was added to the installation package Cubic interpolation with one parameter and a table source range was added: cercha(x, Range, keyArg, v1, v2) |
2020-03-05 22:59:45 | Download |
0.1 | First release for interpolation and extrapolation functions | 5.0 | Linux, Windows | CC-BY | Packaged Functions included in this addin are: interpo: interpo(x, XRange, YRange) interpo2: interpo2(x, y, Range) Others functions will be added time by time, until all function implemented in the original excel add-in are available here. Coming soon: first two "Cerchas" functions will be added, for cubic interpolation. |
2020-03-05 22:59:44 | Download |
0.3 | New functions were added | 5.0 | Linux, Windows | CC-BY | This release adds new functionalities to the add-in, listed as follow: Determination the initial slope (1st derivative) at the first point of the first spline: cerchapi(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination the final slope at the last point of the last spline: cerchapf(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination the final slope at the last point of the last spline: cerchaci(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) Determination the final slope at the last point of the last spline: cerchacf(Range, keyArg, v1, v2) |
2020-03-05 22:59:44 | Download |
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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kc Sep 15, 2020, 11:54 PM (4 years ago)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Couldn't get this extension to work under Linux.
Discovered that it seems to have a dependency on package 'libreoffice-script-provider-python'
Once that is installed - works great!
Vashek Vylet Jun 6, 2020, 3:51 AM (5 years ago)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I need to correct my previous post, since I found an english manual at
It contains enough additional details to raise the rating to 5 stars.
Vashek Vylet Jun 6, 2020, 2:53 AM (5 years ago)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very useful, and works once you figure it out. The problem is that there is no manual in english, and the one in spanish could be more detailed, in particular description of the keyArg, V1 and V2 option. For keyArg, nn and ff (or combinations) are in the examples (I suppose n is for "natural"?), but are there other options available? What are V1 and V2? Derivatives at first and last point? Either full explanation, or a link to another web page containing more details about this would be helpful. I hope these added functions will be included among the Calc Help terms, they are not right now. Thank you for contributing this useful package.
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