logo orig calCalc - Pop-up calendar for Calc

Simple, self-localized, gregorian type date picker for Calc

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latest release: 2024-03-21 18:15:57


While pointing on a cell or a multi-cells selection, just do ctrl + right-click (cmd⌘ + right-click on MacOS) to show the pop-up calendar. Then click on any date to insert it into the selected cells.

By now, calCalc only supports gregorian calendar.

calCalc uses the default date format for the cell locale, unless some custom number formatting is already applied.


Clicking once the month/year label turns it red and allows to browse calendar by year instead of by month. Clicking again restores monthly browsing.

Source code


calCalc in en_US environment under Windows 10
calCalc in ja environment under Windows 10
calCalc in fr environment under Linux Mint

Homepage: https://gitlab.com/jmzambon/calcalc

Repository: https://gitlab.com/jmzambon/calcalc/-/tree/master

Release List

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes   v0.3 Add option page and pick current cell date if exists 6.2 Linux, Windows, macOS

Option page allows to tweak calendar size and font height.

Make the calendar start in the current filled date of the cell.

Erase superfluous lines.
Fix a bug with special Februaries.

Download First release 6.2 Linux, Windows, macOS Download

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calCalc - Pop-up calendar for Calc

Simple, self-localized, gregorian type date picker for Calc



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  • Randall Snyder May 3, 2024, 11:43 PM (3 months ago)

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    A nice and easy to use Date Picker. CTRL+Right-Click works for me.

    • Jean-Marc Zambon May 4, 2024, 10:43 AM (3 months ago)

      Thank you for your comment. Glad that calCalc can be useful for LibO users.

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