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bible reading by chapter checklist Bible verses sorted in Biblical order with notes!

Bible verses from BlueLetterBible site, allows one to select verses from any Bible version in any chapter, and allows you to copy selected verses and paste them to a file, template. This Template sorts those verses in a Biblical order, (with your notes

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latest release: 2024-03-17 18:59:03


This template not only will sort verses, but has many more helps in daily reading of ones Bible. Enter your Bible page numbers to match your Bible to this template, sheet, it then will let you know how many pages to read per day to finish in a given time. It can track your reading, so while daily reading part of Psalms and Proverbs you can finish those 2 the same time as the rest of O. T. reading, by reading pages it indicates to read in O. T.! N. T. is divided into 2 parts also, Matthew through Acts, then Romans through Revelation. A very balanced reading of 3 era’s as Paul alluded to in Romans 16:25-26..

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes  
1.1 Copy verses to sheet, make notes next to each, then sorts in a Biblical order! 5.1 Linux, Windows AL Can add as many sheets as needed. Download


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