
Generate with one click a report like a data sheet an invoice a letter... . Save/mail/ssh it (pdf or odt) somewhere. There are some striking features in this extension, that the built in reportbuilder does not offer. e.g.: Easily refer your query to th

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Base Calc Writer
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latest release: 2024-03-21 12:16:32


With this small extension you are able to fill tables in a writer-document with data derived from a registered datasource, or the current opened database. That's not new, the built in reportbuilder does that too, but:

You gain all the benefits from both:

  • all the formatting features of a table in a LO-Writer document combined with
  • all possibilities of queries or SQL in LO-Base.


Data definitions are easily done by inserting one custom property (plain text) for each table you want to fill. At the end the LO-Writer document can either be

  1. opened (even with a non-LO-program that you specify), it can be
  2. mailed (if your mail client supports sending from commandline (... Mozilla's Thunderbird does)), it can be
  3. saved as pdf/otd or it can be
  4. returned as a BASIC-object (e.g. if called from another macro and you want to do something else with it).


Some other features you'll find:

  • refer in your query easily to contents of currently opened Base-forms
  • use data from many different datasources in one report
  • merge adjacent cells of a table
  • save your report directly as odt or pdf to the path you define per default
  • display the pdf after saving
  • run a SHELL after the report was generated – e.g. mail it or load it up per ssh
  • text overflow in cell of a table will enlarge the cell
  • The extension is well documented - you can easily improve it for your own needs if you know the basics of Staroffice-Basic
  • Support-Forum:

Release List

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes   0.1.1 Bugfixes: 1
Translation to Italian (thx to
3.4 Linux, Windows, macOS GPL Download 0.1.0 first release 4.2 You don't need to download bre.update.xml (this file is here to enable the automatic update function of your extension manager!) To verify BaseReportExtension.oxt MD5SUM: ca127840b58574111e339f4cd0bd5039 SHA1: 096dbf4aa08537e0e5b8e5168f0e1873291dc461 Download 0.1.0 first release 4.2 You don't need to download bre.update.xml (this file is here to enable the automatic update function of your extension manager!) To verify BaseReportExtension.oxt MD5SUM: ca127840b58574111e339f4cd0bd5039 SHA1: 096dbf4aa08537e0e5b8e5168f0e1873291dc461 Download 0.1.0 first release 4.2 You don't need to download bre.update.xml (this file is here to enable the automatic update function of your extension manager!) To verify BaseReportExtension.oxt MD5SUM: ca127840b58574111e339f4cd0bd5039 SHA1: 096dbf4aa08537e0e5b8e5168f0e1873291dc461 Download
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  • Kevin Coonan Apr 2, 2021, 8:01 PM (3 years ago)

    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Does this still work w/ current versions of LO? If the last version it worked with is 4.2 it should be deprecated.

  • Eronex Nov 21, 2020, 3:29 AM (4 years ago)

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    How It use? Can I see manual or example?

  • Sebastian Pertl Sep 5, 2020, 9:50 AM (4 years ago)

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    There was some help neccessary for my first Report to create. It's like a Clockwork to assemble.

    The greatest Benefit is to me the Option of putting several Tables with different Data sources onto one Sheet in the Report.
    I'm delightet !

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