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ODF2PDF is a batch export tool for ODF documents to the PDF format.

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Calc Draw Impress PDF Writer
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latest release: 2024-03-21 22:17:00


ODF2PDF is a batch export tool for ODF documents to the PDF format.
ODF2PDF can export the four main ODF document types: Writer texts, Calc spreadsheets, Impress presentations and Draw drawings.


ODF2PDF was sponsored by La Ville de Grenoble (Isère - France)

Sure, a good way of batch exporting ODF documents would be to use the LibreOffice command line options -headless and -convert-to pdf. Sure. But there are situations in which users want to use a familiar GUI tool. This is where ODF2PDF might be handy.


  • Selection of ODF document types to process.
  • Selection of ODF source and PDF target directories. Both settings may be linked.
  • Optionally save the settings for future use.
  • Possibility to call to the LibreOffice PDF settings dialogue before the export.
  • During actual export: visual clue of what is processed.
  • After export and ODF2PDF dialogue end: a log file is available in the target directory.

After install, you'll find a menu entry in Tools > Add-ons and another in Files > Export to (LibreOffice 6+ only). A single-button ODF2PDF toolbar is also available. All three items call the UI for ODF2PDF.


Translation: the UI is in English or in French, according to the actual LibreOffice language settings. English is the fallback UI language. The translation is based upon po files. If you want to translate ODF2PDF UI into your own language, feel free to do so by translating the strings that are stored in the en.pot file and saving to your language po file (ex: for German de.po, for Italian it.po, etc.). Send the author this po file for inclusion within the extension next version. In the meantime, you may test the translation on your local system.


The icon is from icon8.com.

Release List

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes   Version 1.2.0 Fixes a bug when the source files have more than one dot in their names. 5.0 Linux, Windows, macOS GPL

Fixed: The target names are erroneously truncated when the source files have more than one dot in their names.

Updated: UI widgets positioning, dialogs centering.

Tested to be compatible with MacOS 10.14.6

Download First public version. 5.0 Linux, Windows GPL

Untested under MacOS.


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  • acejavelin Oct 26, 2020, 2:54 AM (4 years ago)

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Slick extension... Just put all the ODF files you want exported into a directory, a couple clicks later and they are all PDF's. Super simple to use and very fast.

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