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Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) étendard

A template with frames on the left and a photo.

Documents Templates Writer
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latest release: 2024-07-05 09:24:14


Font: Onciale Ph, text and Linux Biolinum G (not critical).

Pages: First Page and Default Page Style.

Frames: 3, 1st page top left “Name” (identity) and “Cadre filets première page” (aka Frame lines first page), following pages “Cadres filets pages suivantes” (aka Frames lines following pages).

Fields: Input fields (“nom” for the name and “prénom” for the surname) Title for the job sought, fill in the field Title → File > Properties (it is found in the footer of the following pages), date, page number and pages.

The level indicators are tables.


The best way is to use the Side Panel for all the styles. If the background color of the first frame (which styles is Frame) doesn’t change, right click on it, then Properties and Area.

Colored shape on the photo: right click → fill.

Photo: right click → Replace. The photo must be 4 x 4 cm.

Explanations in French and in English in the template.


Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes  
V2 with two choices of colour Two versions red and blue 7.1 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY This template now follow the same sequence of styles than the others templates I did : Sender for Identity, Title for the Job, Subtitle for the profile, Heading 1 for the headings (obviously) etc.


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