heimdall logo Heimdall (goConfig) - The Configurator

Heimdall is an easy-to-use extension configurator. The configurator is multilingual.

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Calc Configuration Extensions
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latest release: 2024-03-19 22:01:49


Heimdall (goConfig)

Heimdall ias an easy-to-use configurator with which you can easily save variables externally to a file or swap them out. A configuration file can be created quickly and clearly using the basic code direktly or with the internal dialog.

But Heimdall can do even more. In addition to your own configurations, you can also diretly access and read the values of the Libre Office environment. How this works is described in the API.

An internal Resolver supplies substitution variables and reserved texts that are storeed in multiple languages. The default language is English. You can find an overview of which variables and texts are supplied on our website (note: this is being updated at the moment).

For support

The Extension also needs the support of the community. Please write us if you think that reserved words, reserved variables or text should definitely be included.

For support write to support@getobject.de


Example Substitutionsvariable
&(further) Further
&(forward) Forward
&(save) Save
Example Reserved Words
AppName <&AppName>
Version <&Version>

Digression: Heimdall is adeity of Germanic mythology. He guards the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost.

Homepage: https://www.getobject.de

Repository: https://getobject.de/hilfe/api-s/

Release List

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes   1.1.0 Elimination: Two errors in the start configuration. Runtime error in the dialogs module. Added French language pack. 6.2 Linux, Windows EUPL Download 1.0.0 First Release 6.2 Linux, Windows EUPL Download

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  • Andreas Gronemeyer Apr 6, 2023, 9:25 AM (16 months ago)

    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Bei der Erstveröffentlichung wurden 2 kleine Fehler mitgeliefert.
    Notiz hier: https://getobject.de/news/fehler-heimdall-1
    Es wird an einem Update gearbeitet.

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