Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) taupe

A template with a dark coloured top and a hint of yellow or pale pink. No photo and easy to use. Two pages.
No table, no frame.

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latest release: 2024-06-10 12:31:48


Pages: two, First page and Default page style. Both have a background (coloured areas on the top).

Fonts: Book Antiqua (text), Frenchpress (headline), not essential (check for bullets) or Alegreya and Alegreya SC. Links are given in the temple.

Paragraph styles, in order of appearance: Sender (first and last name), Left header (contact information, etc. on first page), Main title (position), Subtitle (tagline, objectives), Title 1 (headings), Title 2 (duties and degrees with time and place), Body indent (possible details on duties and degrees), List 1 and Numbering 1, Headings (headings on following pages), Body text for all the rest.

Standard character styles: Emphasis, Strong emphasis, Numbering characters, Bullets.

Bullet styles: Numbering 123 and Bullet -.

Fields: First name and Last name input variables (the content is automatically found in the header of the following pages), Title fields of the File Properties (the content is automatically found in the header of the following pages), date and page numbering (header of the following pages).

The backgrounds are in the "Biscuits pour cv taupe" file.


Release List

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes   V2 Minor fixes, two oclours 6.4 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY

The two versions: brown and red, plus the ODG file with the bakgrounds are in the zip file.


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