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CV boules et barres 2 variantes - Curriculum vitae (resume) two colours

A template for a CV, the how to use and tp customize is in the template.Modèle pour CV, explications dans le modèle. Mise en forme uniquement basée sur les styles.

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latest release: 2024-05-30 17:22:53


2 pages – 3 sections, no table. Based on the same layout, there are two templates : a red and a blue one. Also you can download an odg file with the shapes of the backgrounds to modify the colours if you wish.

2 pages – 3 sections, pas de tableau ni de cadre. Sur cette mise en page, deux modèles un amarante et un lapis lazuli. On peut télécharger le fichier odg avec les formes pour les arrière-plans (barres à boules) si on veut changer les couleurs.


Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes  
CV boules V2 Zip files with both versions 7.0 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY Short explanation in French and in English.

Courte explication en français et en anglais.

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Decorative backgrounds with light brown or dark blue lines, photo.



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A simple template easy two use in two versions.



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Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) bleu paon

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Blue background on the top of the first page and on the bottom of the other pages. Easy to use and to customize.



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Screenshot for Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) prune et pelure d’oignon

Photo. Lines in two shades of pink or in shade of gray. Easy to use and to customize.



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