LibreOffice Logo LibreOffice Logo Extensions, Documentation and Templates repository

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Screenshot for Examen

Multiple-Choice, and True/False Tests Examen de completación, selección y verdadero y falso.


★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Lebenslauf im moderncv-Stil

Screenshot for Lebenslauf im moderncv-Stil

[de] Vorlage für einen Lebenslauf ähnlich zum LaTeX-Paket moderncv ‒ [en] Curriculum vitae template similar to those produced by the LaTeX package moderncv


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246 Impress Templates

Screenshot for 246 Impress Templates

LibreOffice Impress Templates - A collection of 246 well-designed, modern, freely-licensed templates on GitHub.


★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Material Design Cyan

Screenshot for Material Design Cyan

An Impress template inspired in Google Material Design


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Paragraph ciphers PNBT-0-simple 8bit

Ensuring pieces of content for transmission over insecure storage clouds and so on. It also features encryption option to save in TXT, classically on paper, archiving and future to retrieve and decrypt using OCR. It also serves option to print a report


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Personal Letter with hyphenation

Screenshot for Personal Letter with hyphenation

Privatbrief mit Empfängeranschrift im Sichtfenster und automatischer Silbentrennung – German personal letter template for window envelopes with automatic hyphenation


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Screenwright(R) screenplay formatting template

Logo for Screenwright(R) screenplay formatting template

This award-winning, free LibO Writer 6.x+5.x+4.x+3.x template will format your film script to industry standards.


★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

German score sheet

Screenshot for German score sheet

Spielzettel verwendbar für Würfelspiele wie Kniffel, Yahtzee u. Ä. -- German score sheet usable for dice games as Kniffel, Yahtzee and similar ones


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Literatur/Buch/Bericht - literature/book/report

Screenshot for Literatur/Buch/Bericht - literature/book/report

Verschiedene Varianten für Zwecke wie Berichte, Bücher und Literatur (Gedicht, Prosa, Theaterstücke). Variants for various purposes such as reports, books and literature (poems, prose, theatre).


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Logo for Tyovuorolista

Workforce Planning System in LibreOfficeCalc platform for small and medium-sized restaurant and hotel businesses in the Finnish language. Työvuorosuunnittelujärjestelmä LibreOffice- ja OpenOfficeCalc- alustalla pienille ja keskisuurille ravintola- ja


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Vorlage wissenschaftliche Arbeit

Screenshot for Vorlage wissenschaftliche Arbeit

Diese deutschsprachige Dokumentvorlage für LibreOffice/OpenOffice soll eine Hilfe beim Erstellen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten in der Universität oder Fachhochschule sein.This document template in German language for LibreOffice/OpenOffice aims to



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BASIC LibreOffice Calc (Français)

Screenshot for BASIC LibreOffice Calc (Français)


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BASIC Bibliothèque d'éxecution (Français)

Screenshot for BASIC Bibliothèque d'éxecution (Français)


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BASIC Les Dialogues (Français)

Screenshot for BASIC Les Dialogues (Français)


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Thesis Template

Thesis template provides you to arrange your thesis effort less


★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Bulletin de vote pour preferendum

Logo for Bulletin de vote pour preferendum

Bulletin de vote pour preferendum de 2 à 25 proposition
Ballot for preferendun from 2 to 25 proposals


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Grocery Store Business Proposal

Logo for Grocery Store Business Proposal

Grocery store business proposal is a document prepared by an entrepreneur to present to potential investors and woo them for investing in his business.


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Optical Store Letterhead Template

Logo for Optical Store Letterhead Template

The letterhead template design is for Optical Store Business. The letterhead is in an editable format and can be used by anyone with ease. Download the template and customize it with personal details.


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Slim DVD Movie Jewel Case Cover Templates (Letter)

Screenshot for Slim DVD Movie Jewel Case Cover Templates (Letter)

Slim/Thin DVD Movie Jewel Case Covers, 2 per page, Letter Size


★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆


Logo for Listware

Listware is an all-in-one data cleansing service built as an Add-in for Microsoft's Excel originally , however this project aims at creating one for LibreOffice Calc.

Listware includes US Check & Verify, Global Check & Verify, and MatchUp®. These compo


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Logo for PixCompress

Compression d'images dans un document LibreOffice


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Compose Special Characters v 2.0.11

It's a new version of Compose Special Characters by chuckhenrich. Now it works on LO 6 and 7


★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Traditional Chinese characters learning documents (Traditional Chinese)

Logo for Traditional Chinese characters learning documents (Traditional Chinese)

Learning Traditional Chinese characters from Spreadsheet.


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Horami (hac) Dictionary

HoramiHorami customization including setting CTL dictionary for



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Fundo Vermelho 1

Logo for Fundo Vermelho 1


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Logo for Projects124

Software solution and excel templates



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poemenia - German language pack for Pepito Cleaner

Screenshot for poemenia - German language pack for Pepito Cleaner

The poemenia extension translates the user interface of Pepito Cleaner to german and adapts the behavior to the punctuation rules common in Germany and Austria.


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aeon3odt - Import Aeon Timeline 3 project data

Screenshot for aeon3odt - Import Aeon Timeline 3 project data

Generate different types of ODT documents from an Aeon Timeline 3 project file.


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yw-cnv - Import and export yWriter 7 projects

Screenshot for yw-cnv - Import and export yWriter 7 projects

Generate different types of ODT and ODS documents from a yWriter 7 project and vice versa.


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"Curly quotes" conversion in several languages

Screenshot for "Curly quotes" conversion in several languages

Convert quotes, apostrophes, dashes and ellipses between different language-dependent styles.


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