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Logo for Listware

Listware is an all-in-one data cleansing service built as an Add-in for Microsoft's Excel originally , however this project aims at creating one for LibreOffice Calc.

Listware includes US Check & Verify, Global Check & Verify, and MatchUp®. These compo


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Fundo Vermelho 1

Logo for Fundo Vermelho 1


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Logo for Projects124

Software solution and excel templates



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Portadas para Trabajos de Psicología // Psychology Cover Page

Logo for Portadas para Trabajos de Psicología // Psychology Cover Page

Una portada bien diseñada desempeña un papel importante a la hora de establecer la identidad de la obra y la identidad del autor que dio forma a toda la publicación. Haz que tus trabajos de Psicología luzcan de manera muy profesional.



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Yellow Purple E-learning Course Authoring Methodology

Logo for Yellow Purple E-learning Course Authoring Methodology

A LibreOffice Writer document documenting a proposed Online Course Authoring methodolgy. More precisely: how to move from a text document to a multimedia and interactive mobile-friendly online course module.


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Calendrier mensuel

Screenshot for Calendrier mensuel

Feuille de calcul qui génère un calendrier mensuel configurable et imprimable. Exemple d'utilisation de diverses fonctions de recherche, dates et utilisation intensive de formats conditionnels. Paramètres : noms des jours de la semaine et des mois dans


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