ultimate palette Ultimate color palette

Palette that tries to show as many colors as possible in a comprehensive and intuitive way.

Color Palette
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latest release: 2024-03-20 19:31:00


LibreOffice Ultimate Palette

Palette that tries to show as many colors as possible in a comprehensive and intuitive way.

-1- Place `ultimate_palette.soc` inside this directory :
- Windows : C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\config
- Linux : ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/config/
- macOS : /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice/4/user/config
-2- Open Libreoffice, click on the Font/Background Color Picker and select `ultimate_palette` from the dropdown list
-3- Enjoy !

Included in this archive is an awk script you can use to generate a new palette with more or less granularity.
-1- Open the awk script in a text editor
-2- Check and tweak the `step` value near the top of the awk script (don't forget to save)
-3- Invoke the awk script and redirect the output to a file named `some_other_name.soc` as shown below :
awk -f ultimate_palette.awk > new_palette.soc
- Put your new soc file if the config directory, as stated above.

Release List

Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes   v1.1 3.3 Linux, Windows, macOS LGPL

- Tweaked the colors name
- Updated readme.txt

Download v1.0 Initial release 3.3 Linux, Windows, macOS LGPL Download

Other Extensions

Ultimate color palette

Palette that tries to show as many colors as possible in a comprehensive and intuitive way.



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