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Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) sépia

Section and frame, no table and easy to use.

Documents Templates Writer
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latest release: 2024-06-07 09:54:16


It uses only styles.

Two pages. First Page and Default Page Style. There is a section on the top of the first page for identity, job sought and, in the second column contact datas. Also, on the bottom, there is a frame (Niveaux aka Skill Levels) anchored to the page. The level indicators are Unicode 2729, ✩, character style « niveaux » (custom style) and tabulations.

If you want to customize it: the best way is to use the Side Panel for all the styles.

To modify the colours, use the file « biscuits pour cv sepia » and modify each object. Export each as a svg file → Style Area, import the svg.

Everything is explained is the template.



Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes  
V2 Some fixes and 2 versions 6.2 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY Two versions : the brown one and a blue-green one. It is explained in French and in English. It also is better made, mainly because since LibreOffice 6.2, it is possible to have backgrounds of pages in the whole page. It has minimal custom styles.

And, obviously, you can download it from here.

The zip file contains the two versions and and odg file with all the elements of decoration.

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